Friday, November 25, 2011

The Awesome Music Scrolls

A few days ago I discovered the music player and the music scrolls. I bought one player, one Wizard City main theme, and one Krokotopia main theme.
I fought Lord Bramble in Wysteria 10-20 times to get the Wysteria main theme; I finally got one last night. Alyssa got two. I fought the Jade Oni for the Mooshu main theme. Alicia got two of those. I got one as a drop and one from the bazaar, my favorite place to buy stuff.
I became familiar with the decorations market today. I managed to get one Marleybone main theme, a Grizzleheim main theme, and a Dragonspyre main theme.
I almost got a Celestia main theme and the Krokotopia theme four, but somebody else got them first.
Here's my assortment of music!

I was upset that I didn't get the Celestia scroll and persuaded Amy, Destiny, and Alyssa to fight Mithraya with me. We did the entire dungeon in about an hour, our fastest time yet. I have a thing for Mithraya. She's my favorite boss. Ptolemos, the moon guy in the same dungeon, is my second favorite. The Jade Oni takes third. I absolutely love Mithraya. Here she is, in all her fiery glory:
When the dungeon was over with, I found myself with no scroll and a bunch of stuff to sell. I went to the bazaar, sold my stuff, and ran through the list of decorations many a time. I found the Grizzleheim theme, bought it, and was content. Now I can't wait for that Celestia theme...
I also am curious to see how the Wintertusk music will be done, considering the different way it is set up. If we can get each song, I am farming whoever drops the Nordrilund one. I love that music. Actually, I love Wizard 101 music in general. It's phenomenal.

Here's the guide Alyssa, Alicia, and I have used to find the scrolls: Darkshadow1709's Guide to Music Scrolls. It currently is incomplete.

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