Friday, August 5, 2011

A Storm Wizard Beats All (Especially with Treasure Cards)

I did the Labyrinth with Alicia and Amy tonight. Amy needed to get her last Obsidian Chest. Alicia had a blast (pun intended) going for mega hits. And I dished out my wide selection of treasure cards to assist her.
 Good old Storm Lord never fails.
 I was feeling reeeeeally evil. Muhahahahaha.
 Easy hit. I think it was in this fight that I declared, "my name is in i go mount toy a you killed my father prepare to die." Then I followed it up with "muhahahahaha."
 As I tell Alicia: Boost, boost, boost, dead.
 11,000 never hurts. That'll teach them to mess with us. (insert evil laugh that doesn't sound like a monkey screeching here)
This is where I pulled out my arsenal of storm treasure cards. We got nearly all boosts available in the whole game for storm. Now, if we'd had a balance wizard... And switched out Amy for a death one... Yeah, THEN we'd have had an epic hit. And if Alicia had criticaled.
Yes, this was NOT, I repeat, NOT a crictical hit. I expected it would only do around 100,000 damage- I was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY off. Alicia also took screenshots of  her massive hit. She has something to brag about, doesn't she?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Breaking News: New World Announced!

Kingsisle just announced that the new world of Wysteria is on the test realm! We're apparently going to be visiting Wysteria if we're level 25+. At the heart of this vine-infested world is our rival school, Pigswick. Pigwiggle is holding a tournament that we're participating in. But once an important object at Pigswick is stolen, we have to defend Ravenwood's good name while finding it.
I regret to say that I don't have any screenshots (and neither do my friends) because I need crowns. But when I get them, I will get pictures posted!
I can't wait to defeat Pigsies... And see the houses (ooh, houses!).

Oh, yes. Kingsisle Free Games got updated yesterday. We can't get transformations anymore, same as rental mounts. That may mean permanent ones!! I don't know about the Fog Unicorn, but Amy Moongem did get an Evil Snowman pet and a Sorcery Stones game! This could be promising!
I'll keep you all updated about KI Free Games, and Wysteria if I get crowns!

UPDATE: I actually got my Sultan's Palace last month, so I CAN go to test realm; huge post with pictures coming soon!